Sara Vigil
Management Committee Member: ‘Climate change and migration: knowledge, law and policy, and theory’. EU COST Action IS1101.
Associated team member: ‘High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes’ (HELIX) EU FP7 Project led by the University of Exeter.
PhD Researcher. International Institute of Social Studies. Erasmus University Rotterdam. Research team: ‘Political Economy of Resources, Environment, and Population’. The Hague.
Research Advisor: ‘Migration, Environment and Climate Change. Evidence for Policy’ (MECLEP). EU TPMA project led by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). Coordination of Mauritius case-study.
Management Committee Member and Researcher: ‘Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics’ (EDGE). EU H2020 project. In partnership with Sciences Po Paris and the University of Bratislava.